
Working papers

with Diego Ramos-Toro | Revise and Resubmit at Journal of the European Economic Association

This paper studies conscription’s role in durably shaping attitudes and beliefs consistent with nation-building. We pair original survey data covering 29 cohorts of conscripts in Argentina with random variation in service emerging from a lottery. We find that serving in the military leads to a stronger national identity and social integration several decades after serving but does not affect civic behaviors such as voting or paying taxes. Value inculcation during service helps explain the baseline patterns, while exposure to and interaction with diverse peers reinforce but do not explain the results.

[paper] [video discussion at Faculti] [blog post at Foco Económico]

Source: Own creation using Bing.

This paper provides experimental evidence that nudging managers to plan in advance for a business opportunity can improve firm performance. I leverage an experiment involving 9,700 small e-commerce firms in Argentina and Brazil, which took place during the two weeks before Black Friday (BF), a major sales event. The intervention consisted of randomizing messages reminding managers that BF was approaching and encouraging them to plan their pricing and advertising strategies. Consistent with enhanced planning, treated firms shifted from generic to discount-related advertising and increased their inventories before the event. This led to a 4% increase in sales for 20 to 60 days post-intervention. A causal forest estimation shows that the effects were stronger among relatively larger firms that use search engine optimization (SEO) tools, suggesting that pre-established capabilities may be a complement to light touch interventions.


Source: Own creation using Midjourney.

This paper examines the evolution of social cohesion in response to salient events that internally divide communities. The analysis focuses on football rivalries in Latin America, a significant cultural phenomenon in the region. Derbies induce polarization between the followers of both teams; however, since followers are not significantly segregated, derbies may also diminish the salience of other cleavages, such as socioeconomic status or ethnicity. By combining quasi-experimental variation in the timing of matches with public opinion surveys, I find that attitudes and beliefs conducive to social cohesion tend to improve for up to 30 days following a match. The effect is moderated by the behavior of football players, as captured by the number of red cards awarded during the game, suggesting that role models play an important role in such events.


Work in progress

with Pablo Balán

with Diego Ramos-Toro

Pre-doctoral work

CEDLAS Working Paper #145

In conjunction with the recovery of the Argentine economy between 2003 and 2011, income distribution improved considerably. Though it does not provide a quantitative assessment, the relevant literature points to the resurgence of union negotiation as central to this process. This paper provides an account of the evolution of intra-union and inter-union inequality in basic wage agreements signed during this period, and reveals considerable improvements in both. The second part of the paper studies the behavior of the Federación de Camioneros (Truckers’ Federation) and its role in wage negotiations during the same period.
